How to make photo frame collage
How to make photo frame collage

  1. #How to make photo frame collage how to#
  2. #How to make photo frame collage series#
  3. #How to make photo frame collage free#

Turning each layer into a smart object gives you the ability to rescale your images without any quality loss.

how to make photo frame collage

Next, going through each image in your group individually, right-click on the layer and go to Convert To Smart Object. This will make it easier to move your pictures into your collage template later on. Next, create a group by pressing Command + G (Mac) or Control + G (PC). After they finish importing, hold shift and click between your top and bottom layers to select them all at once. This should be easy since you put them all in a dedicated collage folder beforehand!ĭouble checking that your files are listed in the file menu, click ok to begin importing your photos.Īll of the selected photos will load into their own project as individual files. In the new dialogue box, click Browse and locate the photos for your collage on your computer. Just go up to File > Scripts > Load Files Into Stack. Rather than doing them each individually (because who wants to spend the time), let’s import them all together. For this example, I’ll make a square document of 2000×2000 pixels at 300PPI.Įnsuring you have a higher resolution (PPI) will improve the image quality if you decide to print your collage.Ĭlick create to open your new document into Photoshop. Rather than sort through different folders and hard drives, do the work beforehand and put them in one place.īy doing this, you can import all of your collage pictures at once to save time.Īfter making your collage image folder, create a new Photoshop document ( Command/Control + N) in the desired dimensions of your collage. You can interchange these square shapes with other shapes as you wish.įor now, let’s stick to the basics and create a nice and simple collage template that will work perfectly for any collage idea you have.īefore you import your images, make life easy on yourself, and group all of your photos into one folder on your computer.

#How to make photo frame collage how to#

In the steps below, we’ll go over how to make a simple 3×3 grid collage. With a template, you can create a drag and drop collage that will work perfectly for any collage you want to create in the future.

#How to make photo frame collage series#

Since a collage requires you to make a series of shapes over and over, why suffer through doing the whole process more than once? Just make sure to continue through the steps below so you understand how they work! How To Make Your Own Collage TemplatesĬollage templates save so much time that you’ll wonder why you ever thought of working without one.

#How to make photo frame collage free#

In fact, you can get started with these 5 free collage templates to make your life a lot easier. Unfortunately, there aren’t any templates that come with Photoshop, but there are tons available online for free. Does Photoshop Have Collage Templates?īefore you begin, you might be wondering if Photoshop has any collage templates built-in. Let’s dive into how to create your very own collage template in Photoshop. That might all seem a little overwhelming at first, but I promise this whole process is a breeze.

  • Export Your Collage Template As A PSD File To Work With Later On.
  • Create A New Clipping Mask For Every Image Until Everything Has An Assigned Shape.
  • Add A Clipping Mask To Restrict Your Photo To Fit Into Each Particular Shape.
  • Resize And Duplicate This Layer To Form A Collage Pattern.
  • Create A New Layer And Fill It With Color.
  • To Make A Collage Template In Photoshop, You Need To:

    how to make photo frame collage

    Rather than starting from scratch every time, you simply have to drag and drop your images into place!

    how to make photo frame collage

    That’s why learning how to make a collage template in Photoshop is one of the best ways to go about creating a new collage. The downside, however, is that creating a collage can be time consuming and fickle. Creating a collage in Photoshop is very straightforward and doesn’t require a whole lot of Photoshop knowledge to get the job done. Whether you just got back from vacation or want to share memories from a family event, collages make it easy to showcase all the highlights.

    how to make photo frame collage

    Making a photo collage is a fun way to share a whole bunch of images in one place.

    How to make photo frame collage